
mardi 13 mars 2012



Map avec niveau de difficulté / Map with level system

L'idée de la map, inspirée sur les films de zombies et aussi un petit peu de left 4 dead, est que vous êtes les derniers survivants du coin, vous avez de la chance parce qu'il reste encore des gens pour vous évacuer mais il faut faire vite ils ne vont pas attendre longtemps, en plus il se pourrait qu'il y ai des zombies en mutation dans votre groupe.

The idea of the map, based on zombies movies and a little bit of left 4 dead too, is that you are the last survivors around here, you have chance because there still some people to evacuate you but hurry up they won't wait for long time, moreover there maybe a zombies in mutation in your group

Attention, je prévois de faire une mise à jour pour réduire la durée du level 2, changer un peu les points de couverture, ajouter des pièges ....
Attention, i plan to make an update to reduce the time of the level 2, change some cover points, add some traps....

********* NEWS FLASH ************
That's crazy, there is zombies everywhere !! YES ZOMBIES !!!
Army is here to help for the evacuation, but they are almost all gone !!
oh no what is it ..... ahhhhh

You are the last survivors of the zombie infection, the last messages of the army invite us to evacuate to the parking in the middle of the city but they won't wait for long time !

Let's go ! but be carefull, there are still some zombies around us.

Specifications :
  • 64 players
  • afk teleport
  • cubemap
  • particles
  • 4 weapons
  • 1 controled weapon
  • level system (with admin room)
There is 3 levels with 2 difficulties, The levels get longer when you win it, it's working like that :
  • Level 1 = Level 1 (4 min)
  • Level 2 = Level 1 + level 2 (7/8 min)
  • Level 3 = Level 1 + level 2 + level 3 (9 min)

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